Sunday, August 11, 2013

We have a lizard freeway in our back yard.

It’s fun to be on my back patio in the morning and then later in the afternoon. This is because everyday lizards, at close but differing intervals, in the morning race from North to South across patio flagstones and past a waterfall fountain to a small two-inch gap below the beige wooden gate to the side-yard of bugs and bushes beyond. It’ a morning commute and it’s very day, seemingly like clockwork.

In the morning, I usually only first notice them when they’re already on the ground running. But later in the day, when they’re on their return (a reverse of the route in the morning), I’m not only a witness to their individual races of starts, stops and lizard pushups, but I’m also now delighted by their two-foot leaps from the ground at the end of the yard to the raised planter and then, with another jump, to the white stucco wall and vertical climb towards home - their work day of sunshine and eating bugs now done.

The work day of hunting for bugs and enjoying the sun is done – until tomorrow.